Today marks 6 weeks of teleworking and staying at home for Kevin and I, and the days are starting to feel like they are blurring together. And wow! that’s a lot of together time in a small apartment! We have our ups and downs, but here are 10 things we have been trying to do to support and have fun with each other!
Play a board game or work on a puzzle together!
Do you split chores up between you both? Help one another with chores! You don’t have anything else to do!
Start planning a fun trip! You don’t have to book anything, but you have lots of time to research and plan an amazing trip for when things open up again!
Working from home? Are both of you working from home? Be respectful of each others work schedule! Don’t vacuum or loudly heat up your lunch when the other is on a call.
Work out together! Go for a walk or run, or complete a workout video! It totally sucks that gyms are closed, but try to motivate each other to stay fit.
Still have date night! Do an at home wine tasting or rent a new release movie to watch with candy and popcorn! Kevin and I recently rented “Invisible Man.” Yeah it was $20, but that’s way cheaper than going out and still lots of fun!
Try starting a new hobby together- Painting, gardening, needlepoint, check out a new video game, yoga, the possibilities are endless!
Cook together! Typically Kevin or I made dinner individually or prepare something in the crockpot. Since we are both home now, Its so fun trying new recipes together! Some of our favorites are saved here on Pinterest!
Make sure to clean up after yourself. Our apartment is less than 800 sq ft and the walls feel like they are getting closer and closer. Try to keep things clean! You are home all day, there is no reason to not put something away when you are done with it or to not put your lunch dish in the dishwasher instead of the sink.
Remember to say “I love you!” and talk to each other. Tell your partner how you are feeling, good or bad! You guys are in this together!
XOXO, Kaitlyn